Matrix Wiki
Matrix Wiki
Matrix Wiki

This is the world that you know; the world as it was at the end of the 20th century. It exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix.

― Morpheus to Neo[src]

99 mega city the matrix

Mega City within the Matrix resembled a typical urban metropolis that existed towards the end of the 20th century

The 20th century (1901–2000 A.D. in the Gregorian Calendar) was the setting simulated by the third version of the Matrix. At the time that Morpheus freed Neo during the Matrix' sixth iteration, Bluepills believed it to be the year 1999.

Though the Resistance's knowledge of this time was based on fragmentary and often misleading pieces of information, they believed that by the end of the 20th Century, humanity was on the verge of creating Artificial Intelligence. Agent Smith described this period to Morpheus as "the peak of [human] civilization", and that "as soon as [the Machines] started thinking for [humanity], it really became [the Machine's] civilization".

Neo knew of the concept of Artificial Intelligence before being freed, presumably as did most other Bluepills living within the Matrix. However, prior to the Truce, each iteration of the Matrix was routinely reloaded before the simulation ever reached the point when A.I. was historically discovered in the Real World (sometime during the early 21st century).


Images of Earth bound events that simulate many kinds of activity that occurred around this period from a TV set within the Construct. These may have been actual fragments of recovered footage, like those from the Zion Archives, or possibly of the Matrix instead.
