A Life Less Empty is a comic written and illustrated by Ted McKeever as part of The Matrix Comics Series 1 and was published in The Matrix Comics Volume 1 and, later, in The Matrix Comics: 20th Anniversary Edition. The story explored what happened to the Bluepill, Tiera, after she rejected taking the red pill and thus rejecting to learn the truth about the Matrix.
A story about a hacker extraordinaire who proved capable of being recruited by the Resistance, Tiera was given the choice of two pills by Morpheus. She chose the blue pill but, because she digitally chronicled what she learned, was still able to retrieve her memories and, together with it, small pieces of information about the Matrix. She continued to harbor questions about the Matrix and continued living a life regretting that one decision, often dwelling on her memories and on what-ifs.
See also[]
- White rabbit
- Hackers
- White Rabbit Hotel
- Hotel Lafayette
- Memoreaze, Simulacra and Simulations, Interfazed, Byte Me, Hackers Bible
- The Daily News
- Wachowski Brothers Incorporated
- In the Wake of Adversity (by Dead Can Dance), Freud's Memo's, Porn Palace Downloads
- Napoleon, Joan of Arc, Hitler, Einstein