Matrix Wiki
Matrix Wiki

"Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop."

King of Hearts, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a children's book that was written in the 19th century by author Lewis Carroll. It follows the story of Alice as she falls down a rabbit hole and into the world of Wonderland which is filled with anthromorphic creatures who teach Alice lessons as she moves through their world. The Matrix references the book through various homages, simply references to Carroll's work within the Matrix universe. Neo is sent a message to "follow the white rabbit" and upon his first meeting with Morpheus, references to Alice, Wonderland and the rabbit hole are made.


Matrix Movies

  • Dujour had a tattoo of a white rabbit on her shoulder (The Matrix)


  • several terms such as "red queen" and "through the looking glass" has been mentioned in A Detective Story

Matrix Comics

  • Hope had a white stuffed rabbit as a toy. (Burning Hope)


  • One of the Merv's liaisons named himself after The Mad Hatter.