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Matrix Wiki
Deus Ex Machina: What do you want?
Neo: Peace.
― Neo and the Deus Ex Machina starting discussions[src]
Neoanddeusexmachina tmr03

Neo and the Deus Ex Machina discussing the Truce.

The Truce, as defined by Neo with the Deus Ex Machina, was a ceasefire/peace treaty between Zion and the Machines that effectively ended the First Machine War after centuries of ongoing warfare. The Truce, however, was only temporary; made to last only for an unspecified amount of time.

The terms of the Truce included:

  • Zion, its hovercrafts or any of its denizens will not suffer any attack from Sentinels or other Machines.
  • The Matrix can be freely visited by redpills to free minds who choose to leave the virtual reality, with no interference from Agents.
  • Agents must still guard the Matrix from disturbances that could cause problems for its bluepill residents or its stability and red pills must heed their authority.

Other terms may have stipulated that the Machines will also not suffer any attack from Zion or any human in general as well as that the Zion may not expand its territories without the consent or, at least, the knowledge of the machines. Presumably, neither party is allowed to make any kind of subversive conduct.


Two of The Matrix Comics were set during the Truce.

Saviors tells the story of Hitch, who tried to free his parents after the Truce had started, only to watch them die as they exited the Matrix. He then entered into a deal with the Machines to restore him to the Matrix in exchange for killing the rest of his crew and releasing a bomb in the office of a war-ready Zionite captain. An Agent explains to him at the end that "The accord is currently stable" but "larger concerns remain", and those distinctions such as war and peace are purely human: "We do not want war but survival. To this, we will continue."

I Kant tells the story of Kid being trained by Morpheus after the death of Neo, learning that Neo is still out there, showing him the way if he believes.

The Matrix Online[]

Architect: Just how long do you think this peace is going to last?
Oracle: As long as it can.
― The Architect and Oracle discussing the Truce[src]

Because the Truce was due to expire within 7 years, Zion began making preparations to abandon the city of Zion and build a new home unknown to the Machines. When a team of Cypherites discovered the location, they broadcast an alert before being destroyed. Agent Gray notified the Architect of this violation and the Truce came to an end.

Realizing that the Machines would quickly begin their attack, Zion Command ordered the immediate evacuation of the old city. However, before they could complete this effort, Cypherites entered the city and lay siege. A bomb was planted by the Cypherite "Silenci0" inside Zion Command. Tyndall and Commander Lock were among many caught in the blast. Lock was assumed dead as the others escaped the onslaught. The war between Zion and the Machines was now back in full effect.

Lasting Peace[]

In The Matrix Resurrections, it's revealed that the peace between the humans and the Machines has lasted for sixty years with the two living together for the most part in a new city called IO.

See also[]

Matrix Online Thumb This article or section is based on information from the game - The Matrix Online - and the information may contradict situations and events from The Matrix Resurrections.